Let's get to know a little bit about Oshada.

Oshada Seneviratne is not just a UI designer, he's a UI wizard! He can make any interface look sleek and stunning with his magic touch. He's been a graphic designer for over 10 years, so he knows a thing or two about aesthetics. But don't let his artistic side fool you, he's also a deep thinker who likes to ponder over some weird and wacky philosophical questions. Like, what is the meaning of life? Why do we exist? And why do we have to pay taxes? He doesn't waste time on trivial matters, he goes straight for the big ones! He enjoys watching movies and TV shows, listening to podcasts and audiobooks, and of course - walking. He says that walking is the best way to clear his mind and reflect on those philosophical questions, so he walks a lot. And we mean a lot. He probably walks more in a day than most people do in a month!

Oshada has always been curious and eager to learn new things. He's like a sponge that absorbs everything he sees and hears. He always wanted to know how things work and what he can do with them. People always admired his curiosity and creativity, and told him that he was destined for greatness. But even with all his achievements, he always felt that there was more to explore and discover. Everyone expected him to reach new heights and leave a lasting legacy.

In 2010, Oshada decided to become a software developer, or at least that's what he thought he wanted to do. He soon realized that his true calling was in design. He started as a front-end developer, but also dabbled in graphic design as a hobby. And boy did he love it! He soon switched to becoming a full-time designer while still keeping his coding skills sharp. Talk about a passion driven individual!

Oshada was blown away by the internet when he first tried it when he was a kid. He felt like he had entered a magical land of wonders and delights! He was hooked from that moment on. He didn't care about school anymore. He had all the information he ever needed on the internet. He learned how to do all kinds of cool stuff by watching videos and reading blogs. He even created his own website. Now, he has his own pice of the web and he's the boss of his own online empire! He's come a long way since that first click, and he's loving every minute of it.