Well, hello there!
This is Oshada Seneviratne's piece of the web. Where he lets his thoughts roam free and gives his work a chance to strut its stuff. So, grab a snack and settle in—things are about to get a whole lot more interesting!
A designer with an eye for creating designs that make sense with just a sprinkle of absurdity for good measure.
Writing code that not only works but works well. If it’s not the next big thing, it’s at least something incredible.
Turning wild ideas into digital reality. Probably came from his imagination and a late-night caffeine boost.
What's New
So, you’re curious about what’s swirling around in Oshada’s (occasionally) brilliant mind? Buckle up and dive into his latest blog post, where he’s probably overthinking something oh-so-important—or maybe just rambling about nothing at all. Either way, it’s guaranteed to be a fun ride! Trust me, you do not want to miss this one!
User-Friendly by Design - The Key to Creating Intuitive, User-Friendly Designs
In this post, Oshada breaks down Jakob Nielsen's 10 usability heuristics, offering practical tips and psychological insights for designing intuitive, seamless interfaces. With real-world examples and actionable advice, whether you're just starting out or already a UX pro, these guidelines will help take your design game to the next level.
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